How to Get Involved
Friends wants you to be involved! We need your help in assisting the Programs to offer continuing education seminars, recruitment workshops, visiting speaker opportunities, and student scholarships. We need people to contribute stories for our website, give input about new ideas or inventions, help with social functions, etc. We also need an improved mailing list, and help in maintaining a blog where people can ask questions, offer suggestions and find answers. The list will grow as we grow.
Be in on the ground floor of a cause worthy of your support!

Here's how you can help:
- Let us know about what is important to you in our field and give us your suggestions.
- Contribute a story for our website.
- Volunteer. Let us know how you would like to be involved.
- Donate. Gifts to Friends of TVI and O&M directly benefit these programs and students.
Send us your contact information for our mailing list so that you can participate in Friends of TVI and O&M activities and watch us grow.